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Birthday Special: 4 Times Anurag Basu Redefined Love With His Movies

Anurag Basu
Author : Sayli Borkar

Some celluloids stay with us forever. Not merely the story, music or actors but how the movie rides us through all of it leaves an unforgettable mark. And the one person responsible for such magical journey is, of course, the captain of the ship – the director. Bollywood is delightedly gifted with some amazingly talented directors who are creating magic from behind the lens on to the screen and Anurag Basu is certainly one of them. From the start itself, Anurag has always delivered some exceptional stories. Be it a love story or suspense thriller, Basu has led multiple genres with a promising vision.


It is Anurag Basu‘s birthday today and team Bollywood Bee wishes him a very happy and magical one. On his birthday, here is a list of Anurag Basu Movies which redefined love for all of us. Check it out right away:


Saaya (2003)

Anurag Basu marked his debut with John Abraham and Tara Sharma starrer a supernatural fantasy film titled ‘Saaya‘. It even had a tagline ‘Can Love Call Back The Dead?”. The tale takes us through the life of a man who loses his loving wife but refuses to believe as he couldn’t find the corpse. After a while, he realizes that the spirits are trying to tell him something. Solely because of his love, he follows the signs of spirits and finds something very beautiful by the end. Anurag’s Direction takes us on a rollercoaster journey laced with emotions which is just beautiful.


Gangster (2006)

Though it was rumored that the film was based on real lives of Abu Salem and his relationship with Veena Malik but Basu denied any connection. The film takes us through various incidents in a gangster’s and his girlfriend’s lives and realistically portrays how violence, lies, and betrayal can affect the love. It also defines how true love can never die as long as you believe in it.


Life in a… Metro (2007)

There would hardly be anyone who wouldn’t have loved the movie. This multi-starrer musical flick is a reel life depiction of real lives of people staying in a metro city and how love and connections can occur anywhere. It truthfully narrates the lives of nine people living in Mumbai and deals with topics like extramarital affairs, the sanctity of marriage, and love. Anurag certainly managed to mark his extraordinary work and win hearts with this film.


Barfi (2013)

Of course, the list wouldn’t be complete without the movie Barfi! This comedy-drama film co-produced, written and directed by Anurag Basu. The film takes us on a beautiful journey of a deaf man and his relationship with two women. It leaves the expression of love (literally) that no matter what obstacles one may have to conquer if there is true love between two people, that ought to remain forever. And the end shot just melt our hearts. The film not only garnered appraisal in India but received critical acclaim overseas as well.  At the 58th Filmfare Awards, the film received thirteen nominations including Best Actress for Priyanka Chopra and won seven (more than any other film) including Best FilmBest Actor for Ranbir Kapoor and Best Music Director’s for Pritam.



Well, aren’t these some of the beautiful movies ever?


Happy Birthday, Anurag Basu!

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