
Meryl Streep Takes A Bold Stand With Her Golden Globes Speech.

Author : Author At BB

Take your broken heart, make it into art!

Oh, Meryl Streep! How can you not love her? She’s not only the most talented face of cinema in the world but an inspiring personality. If you’re not a fan already, her Golden Globes speech will make you one. She started off by making one hell of a crucial point – What is Hollywood without the outsiders and foreigners? From a Canadian Greek God (Ryan Gosling) to a Kenyan (Dev Patel) to an Italian (Amy Adams), isn’t Hollywood filled with them?

She went on to talk about the performance that broke her heart in 2016 – USA president elect Donald Trump making fun of a disabled reporter. You’ll agree when her speech clearly expresses one thing – What a sad world we live in today.

Through her speech, she’s encouraged Hollywood to come together to protect the force that is going to make sure truth prevails in the end, the press. And to never forget the privilege and responsibility that comes with being an actor who can influence millions with a sentence.

A woman with an extraordinary career could have spoken about all the spectacular roles she has done, the stories she has inspired, the awards she has won and been nominated for (19 Oscar nominations BY THE WAY) but she chose to take her moment and talk about the simplest issue that America is facing today (and might as well face for the next 4 years) – Bullying. By the rich, the powerful and the educated illiterates.

Watch her powerful speech here –

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